Parish Meeting

Local Politics and Crime Prevention

Local Politics

The Parish Meeting is the lowest level of local government, but is perhaps the most democratic form.
Chicheley Parish Meeting is usually held in the Village Hall twice per year.  The purpose of the meeting is to discuss matters of importance to Chicheley, and to report them to local and national government for attention. The Parish Meeting is run by an elected Chair and Clerk.
Any person on the Electoral Register of the Parish is entitled to speak at a Parish Meeting. Any member of the Electorate can ask for an item to be put on the Parish Meeting agenda. Any matter pertinent to the parish may be discussed at a Parish Meeting.
The Press and general public have a right to attend Parish Meetings, but anyone not on the Electoral Register of the Parish is a “stranger” and does not have the right to vote.
The Agenda for the next Parish Meeting and minutes of the previous meeting can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.  Copies of older minutes can be requested using the Contact form.
Chicheley is within the Milton Keynes Unitary Authority.  It was part of Sherington Ward until the local election of 22nd May 2014 when it became part of the larger Olney Ward.  
Chicheley is represented on Milton Keynes Council by the three Councillors for Olney Ward; Keith McLean, Peter Geary and Debbie Whitworth.   The Councillors publish a monthly article in the Olney Phonebox Magazine that presents information on local issues they are addressing.
SCAN Magazine provides additional information on local issues and events in Chicheley and neighbouring villages Astwood, Sherington, Hardmead and North Crawley.
Chicheley is represented in Parliament by the MP for Milton Keynes North, Chris Curtis.

Message from our Parish Meeting Chair - May 2024

Dear Chicheley Residents, 
You are no doubt aware of the recent planning application regarding the Home Farm old yard and the proposed further expansion of Milton Keynes to the east of the M1. 
As a result of these, I have Conflict of Interest and I do not consider it possible or appropriate that I should remain as Chair of Chicheley Parish Meeting. 
I, therefore, will not be seeking re-election at the Parish Meeting on the 18th June.  I would ask that you submit suggestions as to who could take on the role to Jo Parker. 
It has been an honour to Chair the meeting and hope you will understand my reasons for standing down. 
Kind regards Robert Ruck-Keene.

At the Parish Meeting held on Tuesday, Dr Cris Tarrant was elected Chair of Chicheley Parish Meeting.  
Robert Ruck-Keene was thanked for his many years of hard work and service to the parish.  
Jo Parker will continue her great work as Parish Clerk.

October 2023 Parish Meeting Minutes - Approved June 2024



Neighbourhood Watch

Police Contact Numbers

Emergency Only:     Dial 999

Not an Emergency:  Dial 101 or report online

For general enquiries or concerns related to Chicheley and immediate area contact:
Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) Arlene Ormston
07815 590756

Facebook Page

There is a private Facebook page for Chicheley residents to share information and provide mutual support.

Public Rights of Way

Chicheley is blessed with an extensive network of public footpaths and bridleways with enough routes and adequate distance to satisfy all users.  Rights of way pass through land that is actively farmed, so for safety, and as a courtesy to others, please stick to the routes and adhere to the regulations governing rights of way.  Please refer to:

Ordnance Survey maps show the type of right of way using the legends on the left of this article for 1:25000 and 1:50000 scale maps.  
Public rights of way should be way marked with signs, but are not always, so please check you map.   Tracks shown on fitness apps are not valid and should be checked against Ordnance Survey maps.
Horses and cycles are not permitted on footpaths, and cyclists should give way to walkers and horse riders on bridleways.  
Some paths are "permissive" meaning the land owner has granted access, but they are not public rights of way.  Such routes can be closed from time to time for farming purposes.
Some tracks are not public rights of way and should not be used.  