
What's Been Happening in Chicheley

Spring Events - 2018

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Lent Lunch, Easter and St George's Day Supper

Chicheley’s Lent Lunch was held in the Village Hall on 14th March.  It was a full house with Chicheley residents and our friends from neighbouring villages. It was nice to have a former resident of North Crawley, and supporter of Chicheley events, joining us in transit from her new home in Poole.  We enjoyed the traditional combination of home made soups, “artisan” bread, and cheese, followed by biscuits and tea or coffee.  Many thanks to those who worked to get the Hall ready, buy and prepare the food, and then serve it to participants. The amount of work required to organise an event like this is often underestimated.

Good Friday Teas were held in the Village Hall between 3pm and 5pm on Friday 30th March. There was the usual wide selection of Chicheley’s literally world famous cakes. There are fans of Chicheley cakes in New Zealand, Canada, South Afica, Australia, Finland and many other countries!

Chicheley’s St. George’s Day Supper took place in the Village Hall on 21st April.   Traditional food and patriotic songs!
