
What's Been Happening in Chicheley
Remembrance Service at the War Memorial

Remembrance Service at the War Memorial

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Image courtesy of "The Daily Telegraph"

The second Coronavirus lockdown prevents our usual Remembrance Day Service at the War Memorial and in the Church. Nevertheless, there will be a very short wreath laying at the war memorial at 10:50 on Sunday 8th November to remember the men of Chicheley who gave their lives for their country in World War 1.

Please observe the recommended social distancing.

Sir George Farrar 1915

Lewis C B Chester 1918

Ernest T Needle. 1918

E Thomas Rogers. 1915

Greville A B Chester 1914

Arthur W Wright. 1915

G Reginald Brown. 1916

Vesey D Clarke. 1918

We will remember them.
