
What's Been Happening in Chicheley
Lent Lunch

Lent Lunch

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Village Hall

After an enforced break of two years during the Coronavirus pandemic, St Lawrence Church was once again able to hold its Lent Lunch in the Village Hall on 23rd March.

The hall was full with diners from Chicheley and neighbouring villages, but in contrast to previous years there was only one sitting.  There is currently quite a high incidence of Covid in this area, and many regulars decided not to attend under present circumstances.

The “frugal” meal consisted of a choice of delicious soups, baked potato, bread and cheese, and a selection of home made biscuits.  The volume of chatter was a good indication of how much everyone enjoyed the company and the food.

Many thanks to all the volunteers for prepared the hall, cooked and served the food, and cleaned-up afterwards.  It was a very positive step back towards normal village life after the disruptions of the pandemic.
